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  • Flames Literacy School - Now Open

    With the future stars shining brighter than ever before, YAM has opened a school of languages with a spiritual literacy touch. As a student at the Literacy school, you will be acquainted with skills from a big range of languages including but not exclusive to Swahili, English,French, Computer and entrepreneurship skills.

  • Hoima Mission - Success Report

    How beautiful are the feet of him who brings good news, who publishes peace, who brings good news of good, who publishes salvation, who says to Zion, Your God reigns!. Flames have a burden to take Good News of the Lord Jesus Christ to the nations. On the 1st June 2015, YAM sent a group of misssionaries to Hoima district-Bunyoro sub-region. The mission was a complete success with over 180 souls coming to Jesus Christ.

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