Our Vision

Following the Great work God has done in us, we have a burden to reach out to others especially the youths in all nations to bring them to the light of God until God's plan for His people is fulfilled.

Vision Scripture  | 2 Timothy 2:2 -NKJV-

"And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also".

Our Mission

We are an English and runyankole speaking missionary and cell based church with a vision of making disciples of all men especially the youth and equipping them to change nations for Christ.

The Birth of Flames Church

Flames church was planted by Youth Aflame Ministries on 23rd April 2011 at Kakoba Mbarara. It is being pastored by Pastor Arijuna Davis & his beloved wife, Pastor Chantal Arijuna, with a team of other pastors and ministers.

Eversince the church has grown into a fully fledged missionary based ministry and has birthed other churches that are located in the city of Kampala (Flames Chirch Kampala) in 2013, Nakivale (Flames Church Nakivale) in 2015 and others still coming up as the vision grows bigger and bigger.

Flames Church Kampala is located Wandegeya, one of the busiest and happening surbubs of Kampala City a few miles from the central Business District, within the footing of Uganda's most prestigious University, Makerere University. Pastor Frankline Mucunguzi and his beloved wife, Pastor Deborah Mucunguzi are leading the FC Kampala congregation, with Pastor Robert Aruho and other ministers.